Tracey is a person that loves change with her art. She doesn’t like to focus solely on one medium, method, or subject matter. However, there is one method she has returned to over and over during her art career. Pointillism.
The very first work she did was a self-portrait using an ink pen. She was 22 when she did it and her subject was a photo of her when she was 14 taken by her 13 year old cousin for a competition. He won the section with the photo and Tracey has a lasting memory of her at such a young age. She really loved doing the work. She had seen someone else do a pointillism painting in ink pens - much larger and finer work than hers. Their’s actually looked like a photo.
She wasn’t interested in creating something that looked like a photo but was very intrigued with the process. She loved doing her hair!!
Originally, this was in black ink but has faded to a sepia colour over the decades. She didn’t know anything about preserving work at the time.
However, she kind of like how it has aged.